Following in Imam in way of Tasleem

Question :

Is it permissible for the one praying behind the Imaam that he follows him in the manner which he makes the Tasleem – leaves the Salaah – in that same manner?  Or is it waajib – obligatory – that he makes the Tasleem of the Salaah in the exact same manner that the Imaam has made?

Answer :

The apparent evidence is that he follows the Imaam.  In that which comes in the sahihayn that the Messenger of Allah said as in Sahih Muslim 817.
Anas b. Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) fell down from a horse and his right side was grazed. We went to him to inquire after his health when the time of prayer came. He led us in prayer in a sitting posture and we said prayer behind him sitting, and when he finished the prayer he said: The Imam is appointed only to be followed; so when he recites takbir, you should also recite that; when he prostrates, you should also prostrate; when he rises up, you should also rise up, and when he said” Allah listens to him who praises Him,” you should say:” Our Lord, to Thee be the praise,” and when he prays sitting, all of you should pray sitting. (Also found in Sahih-Al-Bukhari as the Shaykh mentioned)

This is the case even if the one praying behind the Imaam sees that the manner in which the imaam is making the Tasleem is weak and the hadeeth which has come in that is unauthentic. It’s a must that he still follows him due to the apparent evidences that has come in following the imaam.

Answered by : Shaykh Abdullah Aryani

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