The subject matter of informing about Allah is broader than that of Names and Attributes


Oh Shaykh, may Allaah preserve you and protect you, what is the meaning of the statement of the people of knowledge:

“The subject matter of Informing is broader than that of Names”?


The subject matter of Informing is broader than that of the Attributes and the subject matter of Attributes is broader than that of Names.

This is due to that every Name contains an Attribute, like the Names of Allah:
As-Samī‘ (the All-Hearing)    السميع
Al-‘Alīm (the All-Knowing)      العليم
Al-‘Athīm (The Great)      العظيم

Contain the following Attributes: Hearing, Knowledge, Greatness.

And some Attributes don’t contain Names, like:
(loftiness rising)                الاستوى
Al-Irādah (Intent)                الإرادة.

This is how the subject matter of Attributes is broader.

And the subject matter of Names and Attributes is ˹Tawqīfi˺, it’s affirmation is dependent upon the Qur’ān and Hadīth.

Contrary to the subject matter of Informing, which is broader than that of Attributes and Names.
Whereby what Allah, the Most High, is informed about does not necessarily have to be ˹Tawqīfi˺.

Like saying:
Al-Qadīm (The Eternal)             القديم,
Al-Mufrad (The One and only)     المفرد,
and its likes.

Allah, the Most High, is not called by this nor Attributed with it.

But the subject matter of Informing has conditions which are a must to be observed.
From it is:

➖1- That informing about Allah is done with that which falls under that which is affirmed for Him of Names and Attributes, like the informing about him that He is unique (فرد), because this falls under the Name “الواحد” Al-Waahid (The One) and “الأحد” Al-Ahad (The One), and The Eternal (القديم) because it falls under the name “الأول” Al-Awwal (The First).

➖2- That what is being used to inform is not foul, even if it’s not declared good, and that it’s correct in what the Legislation and the Language necessitates.
Shaykh-Ul-Islām, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

“As for what He is informed with, it is not to be a bad word, it could be with a good word or a word which isn’t bad, even if it’s not declared good, for example: something, an essence, present.”
[End of speech]

➖3- That the basis of what Allah is being informed with is authentically affirmed for Him, as for informing with that which isn’t authentic – in the light of what has preceded – then it’s used at times of need, like for example at a scenario of rebuttal of the people of desires, or when intending clarification and it’s like.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-‘Inaabi Al-Jazaa’iree – may Allah preserve him.


Answered on:
28th, Rabee’ Al-Aakhir, 1438H

Translated by:
Abu ‘Abdirrahman ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani

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