Does women need to cover head to make dhikr or read Al Qur’aan ?

Question :

Is it upon the woman to cover her head, when she wants to make dhikr or read the qur’aan ?

Answer :

There is no proof for this. However, she should cover her head when she stands for the salah. But as for reading the Al Qur’an or the dhikr, she is allowed to do so without any head covering. It is recommended for her to be in a state of purity from the major and minor hadath (impurity) but it is allowed for her from that which is correct from the statements of people of knowledge, to read the Al Qur’an even when she is in a state of impurity. For indeed, there are no evidences forbidding the women from remembering Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala or reading the Al Qur’aan while they be in state of their menses.

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam used to remember Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala at all times and Ibn Abbas radhiallahu ta’ala anhu used to be eager in guarding over his regular adhkaar and he would probably read it even when he is a junoob.

Answered by : Shaykh Abdullah Aryani hafidhahullah.

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