Impermissibility of Adhan using a recorder

Question :

In Jordan and in Egypt they call the adhaan by using a recorder and not a muadhin. Is it permissible for us respond or to repeat after it and the likes ?

Answer :

The Shaykh hafidhahullah said that this adhaan is ghayr shar’ee  and it is not permissible because the adhaan is ibaadah and the ibaadah needs to have intention ,niyyah, and this recorder has no niyyah. So this is incorrect and this mas’ala has been put forward to the ulamah of the lajnah daimah and they said this is not correct and it does not count as an athaan due to the hadeeth that the actions are only by intentions.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Ishaaq Al Qaisee


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