How many takbeers to be said to enter salah when Imam is in Sajdah

Question :

When the imam was praying he is in sujood and I approach the salah, I said the first takbeer do I have to say another takbir to go to sujood ?

Answer :

The Shaykh said this is a masala of khilafiya between the ulamah and that which is correct and it is the qawl of the majority of the ulamah is that it is enough for him to go in with one takbeer and that takbeer it is a must that he make is intention the takbeeratul ihram (Takbeer that is said at the start of Salah to enter salah) and he goes into it being the proof the hadeeth the individual radhiyallahu anhu who came into the masjid and he prayed in a manner that was not befitting in the end the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam advised him how to pray and he said to him if you go into the salah make takbeer, takbeeratul ihram so that which is correct in this masala is that one takbeer being that his intention is takbeeratul ihram however if he goes into salah with one takbeer and the takbeer being his intention takbeeratul intiqal (Takbeer that is said when changing from one position to other in Salah) then the salah is incorrect and is batil.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Ishaaq Al Qaisee


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