Relying on a person who doesn’t pray in matter of marriage

Question :

A sister trying to get married, her wali is her father but he is in another country he asked his son who is her brother living with her to talk to the one proposing to her but her brother does not pray and the father prays and will have the final decision but he is relying on his son’s testimony who does not pray, is it okay for father to rely on his son?

Answer :

Being the correct statement from the statements of the ulamah on the one who leaves the salah he is a kaafir. This individual here is not befitting to take this role because he is not a muslim so long as he does not establish the prayer and Allah subhana wa taala says Allah subhana wa taala will not give any way of disbelievers over the believers.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Ishaaq Al Qaisee


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