Is the students of knowledge from the people of knowledge

Question :

Is the students of knowledge from the people of knowledge (Ahlul Ilm)?

Answer :

This answer is from Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Lamh Al Khawlaani hafidhahullah.

He, after praising Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘ala and sending the salaam upon the messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentioned the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (Radiyallahu anhu) which is in Sahih Muslim
“Whoever treads a path seeking knowledge, Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘ala will make easy for him the path to Paradise.” So, the student if knowledge, he is, in seeking knowledge, in the way of seeking knowledge, until he becomes a reference for the nation, the Ummah. He’s (then) upon knowledge.

And he said, without doubt, the student of knowledge, this is a description of the student of knowledge, it depends and it differs.

For amongst them, are those who are steadfast and patient and among them who are less than that and more than that. So it depends and it differs. Na’am.
So depending on what Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘ala grants him from the Sunnah and guidance and knowledge, he becomes a part of that. Meaning, depending on what Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘ala grants him.

So the Shaykh (hafidhahullah ta ‘ala)), he goes on to say that for the correct opinion from the People of Knowledge, that the ijtihaad -the making effort in issuing fatwa or giving verdicts- it depends. Meaning also it also can be in parts, meaning a person who perfects a type of knowledge. And he perfects it and he becomes excellent in that particular knowledge, he can give fatwa or verdicts in that particular knowledge. This is the correct opinion of the statement of the fuqahaa. So for the student of knowledge who becomes well-grounded in a particular knowledge, he can give fatwa or verdicts in that particular knowledge.

Answered by : Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Lamh Al Khawlaani hafidhahullah.

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