It’s not the case that only when a person becomes an innovator that knowledge is no longer taken from them


In clarification to the previous question: in what relates to students of knowledge having distinction, and when it becomes appropriate to stop taking knowledge from someone.

We have some people who turn away from the advises of the sincere advisors from the people of knowledge, in refraining from taking (knowledge) from those who blatant mistakes has occurred from them, or from those who are treading upon a wrongful path, but without yet having been declared as innovators.

They counter in rejection by saying: “A person doesn’t cease being a Sunni, and they’re to be benefitted from, up until they’re declared as an innovator, and only when they’re declared an innovator they’re to be left off.”

So is it that only when a person is declared an innovator that knowledge is not taken from them? Or are there preventive matters other than that (which could apply in not taking knowledge from someone)?


The Prophet ﷺ abandoned K’aab bin Maalik, Mararah bin Rabee’, and Hilaal bin Ummaya, whilst they weren’t innovators, and they were far from that.

Therefore whoever is a Sunni but he has with him oppositions and sins that effect those who sit with him and take from him, then he’s avoided as a reprimand so that he returns back to what’s correct, and as safety measure in regards to others from following him.

Answered by: Shaikh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ba Jamaal (May Allah preserve him)


Answered on: 29th, Saffar, 1441H. 28th, Oct, 2019.

Translated by: Abu Ibrahim Nassir bin Rashid Al-maamry

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