Ruling regarding the prayer behind an imam that prays at a higher level than those who follow him

Question :

What is the ruling on praying behind an imam who is on a pulpit (mimbar) that may be raised  as high as one foot off of the ground ?

Answer :

Shaykh Fath Al Qadasee (May Allah preserve him) replied by saying that the prayer behind the Imam who may be at a higher level than those who are following behind him is valid.

The proof (for this statement) is the hadeeth whereas the Messenger of Allah (Sallah Allahu allayhee wa salam)  prayed on the pulpit (mimbar) in  order to teach the people (the prayer).  See Al Bukhari (917) and Muslim (544)

This action is  permitted on occasion to teach the people, however, it should not become a habit (that is performed regularly) because the prophet (salah Allahu allahee wa salam) did not do so. Therefore it is not from the Sunnah of the prophet (salah Allahu allayhee wa salam) to regularly pray from a higher level (upon the pulpit ) than the people, however, the prayer behind the imam who regularly does so  is valid.  Furthermore, those who are aware that this action is in contradiction to the Sunnah of the prophet (salah Allahu allayhee wa salam) should advise the imam (to follow the Sunnah)

Answered by : Shaykh Fath Al Qadasee

Edited by Ausama ibn Salem Elhuzayel

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