A small brother asked me the question i dont know...
Making up a prayer which was missed before years
Question :
There is a brother I saw praying after Maghrib and he did 3 rakaa and I asked him, was that Sunnah ? He said no and said that he was making up his prayer from 3 years ago. Is there any proof for this act?
Answer :
Allah the most high says:
(ان الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا)
Jibreel alayhissalaam came down and showed our messenger Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) the time of each prayer.
So who ever intentionally misses the prayer, he can no longer make it up and its upon him to repent to Allah and increase in sunnah prayers as for the one who forgets then he makes it up when he remembers as it has come in the hadeeth.
Allah knows the best
Answered by : Noble brother Abu Haroon Muhammad At taweel
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