Does drunkard enter Jannah ?

Question :

What is the correct explaination based on evidences regarding that which has been authentically narrated by Ibn Umar radhiallahu anhu that he said: the one who drinks khamr (alcohol) and gets intoxicated and dies, dies as Kaafir (An Nasai:5671,Sahih Mauquf) and what is the explaination of the hadeeth which he narrates from the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam that a drunkard will not enter paradise (An Nasai 5675,Hasan) and Uthman radhiallahu anhu also said to avoid Khamr for Wallahi it can never co-exist with Faith, but soon one of them will expel the other (An Nasai:5670).

What is the correct explaination of these aathaar based upon evidences and the understanding of the Salaf and can it be said that a drunkard is a kaafir? Barakallahu feekum.

Answer :

Surely Allah the Most High has said in the Noble Quraan:

“O you who believe! Khamr (all kinds of alcoholic drinks),gambling, Al-Ansaab,and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are Rijs of Shaitaan’s (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.” [Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:90]
While Imam Muslim reported on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar -may Allah be pleased with him- that Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter. No. 4964.

Muslim also reported in his Saheeh # (4962) from Jabir bin Abdullah-may Allah be pleased with him- that Allah’s Messenger said:

“Every intoxicant is haraam! Verily Allah, the Exalted and Majestic, made a covenant to those who drank intoxicants to make them drink ‘Tinat al-Khabal’.

The companions asked: “Allah’s Messenger, what is Tinatal-Khabal?’

He said: “It is the sweat or discharge of the people of the Hellfire. The previous evidences clearly indicate the impermissiblity of alcohol in al-Islam and that it is from the major sins. However, from the fundamental beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’h about those individuals from the Muslims who commit major sins other than shirk is that if they pass away in that state, then they are under the Will of Allah azz wa jal.

Meaning that their affair is with Allah whether he decides to punish them or forgive them.

Shaykh Salih al-Fowzan -hafidhullah- mentioned in his commentary upon the book al-‘aqeedah at-tahawiyah (Pg.153):

Indeed this is the correct view, that the people who commit major sins, which are lesser than shirk, that they ARE NOT KUFFAR (disbelievers). And if they meet Allah whilst they have not repented from these major sins then they are under the Will of Allah. If Allah wishes He shall punish them according to their sins then He shall remove them from the Hell fire and enter them in paradise due to their Tawheed and Eeman and they shall NOT REMAIN eternally in the Hell fire. Due to the statement of Allah:

“Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases, and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin.” (Surah an-Nisā’ 4:48)

——-Up until he said—-

But they SHALL NOT REMAIN eternally in the Hellfire and this is the view OF AHLUS-SUNNAH WAL AL-JAMAA’H and this is the view which is Haqq (True/Correct) in opposition to the khawaarij…
The Permanent Committee of Islamic Verdicts was asked the following question.

Q : What will be the verdict on those who commit such major sins when there is no one to subject them to castigation, and they die before repenting?

A : Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah believe that any Muslim who dies without repenting from major sins such as fornication, labeling chaste women, or theft, would be subjected to the Will of Allah, Glorious is He. If He wishes He forgives him, or if He wishes He punishes him on account of a major sin which he committed and died before repenting to Allah. But he will finally be admitted into Paradise, according to the Words of Allah:
“Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him (in worship), but he forgives except that (anything else) to whom he wills; and whoever sets up partners with Allaah (in worship) , he has indeed invented a tremendous sins.
( An-Nisa 4-48.)

And according to the authentic Hadiths that emphasize taking out of Fire the disobedient people who believes in the Oneness of Allaah. And , according to the following authentic Hadith which was narrated by ‘Ubadah bin As-Samit who said: “We were with the Prophet (Salallahou’aleyhi wa salam) when he said to us: “Do you want to give me your pledge that you shall not ascribe a partner to Allaah, nor fornicate, nor steals”.

Then he recited the above Verse. Then he said: “He who fulfills his pledge, his reward will be with Allaah. But he who commits any more of these sins, and gets punished (in this world) then his punishment stands as an expiation. While he who commits any of these sins, and Allaah covers up for him, then it will be up to Allaah, if He wishes, He punishes him, and if He wishes, He forgives him” (Al-Bukhari no. 18, 3892, 3893, 3999 and 4894).

The Permanent Committee

After this clarification then the narrations are to be understood as follows:

Ibn Hajr al-Haytami in his book az-Zowajir… (3/123) about the narration of Ibn Umar, I.e. that if he becomes intoxicated and dies he will die a disbeliever he said:

(This is) IF HE DEEMS DRINKING IT (I.e. alcohol) TO BE PERMISSIBLE or (it can be said) he (is considered) an ungrateful towards the blessing of Allah.

As for the second narration where it is mentioned that he will not enter jannah (paradise), then being that this is a major sin lesser than shirk then it is to be interpreted upon the understanding of Ahlus-Sunnah. And from the statements of the scholars in relation to the ahadeeth where the Messenger salallah alahi wa salaam has said about an action LESS THAN SHIRK that the one who does it will not enter paradise, then what is intended is that he will not be from those who enter paradise, except not being safe from any form of punishment.
Shaykh Uthaymeen in his explanation of the hadeeth:


The Shaykh said:
If he has become arrogant towards the creation (of Allah) but he is not arrogant towards the worship of Allah THEN HE WILL NOT ENTER THE JANNAH A COMPLETE ENTRY WHICH IS FREE OF PUNISHMENT. Rather he shall be punished due to what occurred from him from arrogance and haughtiness towards the creation and after he is purified he enters paradise.

Sharh Riyaadh as-Saaliheen (3/534).

As for the final narration on Uthman -radhiyallahu anhu- then there is nothing in it which indicates he is a disbeliever. Rather we can understand from this narration that drinking alcohol can lead a person to disbelief and this is something well known which has been said by many of the people of knowledge.

We ask Allah by His Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes to Grant Us Beneficial Knowledge and Righteous Actions Surely He is the All-Hearing, The All-Knowing.

All Praise is due to Allah Lord of All that Exists.

Written By: Noble brother Abu ‘Atiyah Mahmood as-Somali

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