Janaza prayer on an absent Janaza

Question :

Is it permissible to do janaza prayer for an absent janaza ?
(example: If My friend dies at Dubai, can we brothers here do janaza prayer for him from here in India?)

Answer :

That which is correct in this issue is;that’s only specific for the one who dies and none prayed on him from the Muslims as the Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam) did in the case of Najaashi who died amongst the Christians in Habasha (Ethiopia) as for the Muslims who the salah has been established upon them then it is incorrect to repeat the salah upon them. This is the most strongest opinion from the statements of the scholars in this issue and its the choice of our shaykh Muhammad ibnu hizaam in his book Fathul-allaam

Answered By : Noble brother Muhammad Taweel

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