Selling items outside of masaajid of the People of Bid’ah

Question 366:

Here there is a markaz and masjid which is under the authority of thableeg jamaa’th. Every Thursday evening a big crowd of them gathers and do bayyan which also includes group supplications.

Is it permissible for us as a salafi to take advantage of the gathering and sell athars and perfumes in these occasion outside the masjid without taking part in innovations?

Answer :

Shaykh advised not to sell in those places in which, the people have gathered on innovations. As Allah has said from the attributes of believers :

“And those who do not witness falsehood,” – Al Furqaan – 72

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Bilal Al Hadhrami

Translated the summary of the Answer by : AbdunNoor Al Hindi


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