Father prevents a sister from marrying salafi man

Question : 

From a sister:

I want to get married but my father does not want me to marry right now and ignores requests from salafi brothers who are interested. Instead my parents want me to go to college…

Some background about my family and I, I have been upon the salafi dawah for two years now alhamdulillah, My parents on the other hand they are muslims by culture, they do not understand the sunnah and think some of the things I do like wearing the niqab, or not listening to music or not mixing is extreme. Alhamdulillah they do both pray. Although not always on time especially when they are at work. But when they get home they pray all their missed salah, and that’s usually dhuhr and asr. As for my father when Isha prayer comes in late like in the summer days he will pray it early because he says he has to go to sleep in order to wake up early for work. I really want my father to give me off in marriage ( be my wali) because that would mean so much to me. I’m also torn and I just don’t know what to do I want to respect my parents.

Answer :

Shaykh said, No, she Is not allowed to make another person as wali expect if her father prevented her from  getting married at all, what’s need to be done here is that the sister need to talk her father and advice him, Herself and also members of family need to advice him.

This can lead him to a danger, in thereafter.

Also in regards to the issue that he sleeps and pray earlier for isha in the summer times this is wrong and also he need to be advice about this.

Answered by : Shaykh Fath Al Qadasee

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