Obeying parents in waiting for elder brother’s marriage before his marriage

Question :

I want to marry and I have an elder brother is not married and he is out of country. My parents are telling me to wait until he returns and get married and after that I can marry. Should I obey my parents ?

Answer :

If the person is fearing on him that he falls into fornication or other prohibited acts (like masturbation) and he have the capability of marrying then it is compulsory upon him to marry and he don’t need to obey his parents. As the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) told :

‘O young people! Whoever among you is able to marry, should marry, and whoever is not able to marry, is .recommended to observe Saum (fast) as fasting will diminish his sexual power.”
(Al Bukhari – 5065)

And he should try his best to get agreement from his parents and satisfy them.

And even if he dont have fear of falling into sinful acts also there is no problem if he marries without agreement from his parents. And in this case, if he obeys his parents then insha Allah, Allah might return him with more good.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Bilal Al Hadhrami
Translated the summary of the answer by : AbdnNoor Al Hindi

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