The meanings change in the Arabic language with the change of the vowel mark of one letter in it


إمرأة خافت على حِملها ان يسقط وسألت عالما هل لها ان تفطر؟

A woman feared a miscarriage for her baby so she asked a scholar is it allowed for her to break her fast?


So he said she is not allowed to break her fast by consensus!

Shaykh Yahyā was asked this question on the 4th, Rabī Ath-Thānī, 1442,
So the answer from us was that she is allowed to break her fast, Our Shaykh Yahyā may Allāh preserve him said: “How when they mentioned a consensus with not breaking the fast?”

And the brothers were mentioning the proofs of the permissibility of the pregnant woman breaking her fast if she feared for herself…

So the Shaykh said (َالْحِمْلُ) Al-Himlu is that which is placed on the head.

End of speech

I said: “How many times does the meaning change in the Arabic language with the change of a diacritical marking (vowel mark) of one letter, and attention is not payed to that when two wordings are similar in letters and meaning and they do not differ except in a diacritical marking of a letter in them.

For example (َالْحَمْلُ) Al-Hamlu with a Fatha on the Hā means what is in the belly and it is the woman carrying her baby in her belly, if it grows she is (حَامِل)ٌ Hāmil and (حَامِلَة)ٌ Hāmilah and (حَابِل)ٌ Hābil and (حَابِلَة)ٌ Hābilah and (حُبْلَى) Hablā,

And (َالْحِمْلُ) Al-Himlu with Kasrah on the Hā is what is on the back of a person or the head i.e what is carried on his back or his head, so he is a carrier of it.

And it could be said everything connected to the body is (الْحَمْلُ) Al-Hamlu and everything disconnected is (الْحِمْلُ)Al-Himlu.

Answered by: Shaykh, the Allamah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abu Abdirrahman Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajuri – may Allah preserve him


Translated by: Abu ‘Abdillāh ‘Omar bin Yahya Al-‘Akawi