The Morning and Evening Athkaar have specific appointed times


Is it a bid’ah to do the morning and evening athkaars in other than their appointed times? For example, if someone was to do them at night because they were busy during the day?


Yes, Innovation is feared for him

من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد

Whoever innovates in this affair of ours which is not from it then it is rejected.

[Narrated by Aaisha in Bukhari and muslim]

And this is a innovation,

من عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد

Whoever does an action which is not from our affair (i.e. Islaam) then it is rejected.

[Narrated by Aaisha in Muslim]

The prophet ﷺ has appointed specific times for the morning and evening athkaar, so you are not rewarded unless you do them in it’s appointed time.

So whoever does them in other than their known times, then perhaps he will not get anything out of it.

The Morning Athkaar

Start from the appearance of the real fajr until the rising of the sun according to some of the people of knowledge.

Some of them say until the disappearance of the sun (from the middle of the sky and not it’s disappearance completely)

All of this is considered the morning.
That which is apparent is that it is from the appearance of the real fajr until the rising of the sun.

The Evening Athkaar

Some scholars have said that it starts from after Asr, and this is the closest of opinions to being correct, and I believe it is also the opinion of Shaykhul Islaam (1), that it begins after the entering of Asr until just before the entering of maghrib. All of this is considered to be the time for the evening athkaar.

And some have said it is from the disappearance of the sun (from the middle of the sky) until just before the entering of maghrib.

And some have said the evening that which is known to us is the entering of maghrib. So, if maghrib enters, this is the time for the evening athkaar.

In Summary, the affair is easy if the morning and evening athkaar are done in the times which the scholars differed in, as mentioned.

However, if they are done in a time where the scholars have not differed in then this is not permissible and he does not get anything out of it.

However, if the athkaar was done based upon the difference of opinion according to the scholars as mentioned, then hopefully he is rewarded. For example, he does the evening athkaar after maghrib because some of the people of knowledge are on this opinion.

In summary, there is a difference of opinion in regards to the timings of the morning and evening athkaar.
From that which is apparent is that the morning is from the appearance of the real fajr until the rising of the sun and the evening is from after the entering of asr until the disappearance of the sun.

Answered by: Shaykh Abu Bilaal Al-Hadhramy – may Allah preserve him


Answered on: 1st of Rabee’ul Awwol 1441

Translated by: Abu Huthayfah Saamy Al-hindy