Weak Aḥādīth in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim

Question #319:

Are there weak Aḥādīth in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim like the following?

قناة الشيخ عبد الحميد بن يحيى الزعكري الحجوري:
من باب الفائدة هذا الحديث :
إنَّ من أعظَمِ الأمانةِ عندَ اللَّهِ يومَ القيامةِ الرَّجلَ يُفضي إلى امرأتِهِ وتُفضي إليْهِ ثمَّ ينشُرُ سرَّها
أخرجه مسلم
⤴️ضعفه الذهبي فهو من طريق عمر بن حمزة وهو ضعيف

If yes, then how should such Aḥādīth be understood?


Shaykh Ibn Bāz Raḥimahullāh was asked the following question:

What should be done with regard to those who rank Aḥādīth reported in Ṣaḥīḥ (Book of Authentic Aḥādīth) of Muslim or that of Al-Bukhārī as weak?

He answered saying:

Leaving them out contradicts scholars, except for some Aḥādīth narrated by Muslim (may Allah be merciful to him) and Al-Daraquṭnī and others. However, scholars agreed to accept the Aḥādīth of the two Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic) Books of Ḥadīth (i.e. Al-Bukhārī and Muslim) and take them as reliable proofs according to Al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar, Al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn As-Salāh and other scholars. Some of the narrators may be Ḍaʾīf (weakness in narration) in the two Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic) Books of Ḥadīth (i.e. Al-Bukhārī and Muslim) but the compilers of the two Ṣaḥīḥs (i.e. Al-Bukhari and Muslim) chose the Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic) Ḥadīths from what were related by those people, such as Ismāʿīl bin Abū Uways, ʿUmar bin Ḥamzah bin ʿAbdullāh bin ʿUmar bin Al-Khaṭṭāb and others who are Ḍaʾīf (weak in narration) to some extent. The compilers of the two Ṣaḥīḥs recorded the Ḥadīth that contains no defective cause, for a man may relate many Ḥadīths and may be wrong in some of them or relate some Ḥadīth after he has been afflicted with impaired memory. The compilers of the two Ṣaḥīḥs observed this and only related from those people the Ḥadīths which were authentically reported about them in times of perfect safe memory. To summarize, the Ummah (nation based on creed) accepted what the two Shaykhs (Al-Bukhārī and Muslim) narrated and one should disregard anybody who tries to accuse them of anything except what scholars clarified as mentioned previously (may Allah be merciful with them). Among the Ḥadīths that Muslim was criticized for is the Ḥadīth of Abū Hurayrah: “Allāh created soil on Saturday…” The sound opinion is that some of the narrators of this Ḥadīth falsely ascribed this Ḥadīth to the Prophet (peace be upon him) in spite of the fact that it is narrated by Abū Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) from Kaʿab Al-Aḥbār. Besides, the Āyāhs of the Qurʾān and authentic Ḥadīths indicated that Allāh (Exalted be He) created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days; the first of them is Saturday and the last is Friday. It becomes clear that those who attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) the saying that Allāh (Exalted be He) created soil on Saturday is wrong and similarly Kaʿab Al-Aḥbār and those who adopted this saying for this is an invalid Israelite narration (reported from the Jews). May Allāh grant us success.

Source: alifta.net

Shaykh Yahyā al-Ḥajūrī Ḥafiẓahullāh was asked –

عنوان الفتوى: حكم العمل بالأحاديث المنتقدة في الصحيحين(1)
السؤال: الأحاديث التي أعلها الحفاظ في الصحيحين؛ هل يجوز العمل بها؟

الإجابة: الغالب أن لها أصولًا وأنها ثبتت من وجوه أخرى صحيحة في السنن وغيرها، وليس في الصحيحين أو أحدهما حديث موضوع أو مطرح، فإما أن يندرج تحت أصل مثل حديث: (إذا مرض العبد أو سافر كتب الله تعالى له من الأجر مثلما كان يعمل صحيحًا مقيمًا)(2)، له شواهد كثيرة فيما يتعلق بـ(إذا مرض) و(أو سافر)، وعليه فلا بأس بالعمل بمضمون ما دلت عليه تلك الأحاديث التي جرى عمل بعض العلماء عليها.

(1) شذرات من أوائل الدروس العامة للشيخ يحيى حفظه الله تعالى (ج).
(2) عن أبي موسى رضي الله عنه ، تقدم.

تم ارسال هذه الرسالة عن طريق برنامج مجموع فتاوى الشيخ يحيى الحجوري: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.musa.fatwa_alhajoori

Is it permissible to act upon the Aḥādīth in Al-Bukhārī and Muslim which were declared weak by the Ḥuffāẓ (This term refers to great scholars of Ḥadīth like Ad-Daraquṭnī, who is a scholar of the defects of chains of narrations)?

Shaykh answered saying:

Mostly these Aḥādīth have basis from other chains of narrations which are Ṣaḥīḥ in book of Sunan or other books of Ḥadīth . And there is no Ḥadīth in Al-Bukhārī or Muslim which is fabricated or Maṭruḥ (baseless).

These kinds of Aḥādīth (which were declared weak), it may be that they fall in category that have basis (from other Aḥādīth), like the Ḥadīth:

“When a slave falls ill or travels, then he will get reward similar to that which he gets for good deeds practiced at home when in good health”. (Al-Bukhārī – 2996)

This Ḥadīth has lot of Shawāhid (witnessing narrations) with respect to the words “if he became sick” or “if he travels”. So there is no problem in acting upon these kind of Aḥādīth on which some scholars were acting upon.

End of Fatwā of Shaykh

Compiled by: ʿAbdun-Noor al-Hindī

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